Sunday 28 June 2015

EXP3-Final Submission

MASHUP Theory: 1 design adapt to environment
          2 focus on the human scale
          3 ornament and function go together

Textured used in model:

Plan and Section:

SketchUp Model:

Two Moving Elements:


My final design gets rid of the previous shape that each unit were connected by a bridge. But the new shape still keep the Plan idea in minds--the building as a whole divided into many sections and each section attaches to its neighborhood directly. The circular shape corresponds to the round house. It looks more concentrated and convenient. In this project I much more focus on the human scale. The space of each department area should be reasonable.


Computer Lab:

The entrance of the library:

Meeting Room on the left, Entrance of the theater on the right:

Research space for academic staff in the medium:

               access to toilet: 

               Studio and workshop:


Theater on the left; gallery on the right:


Dropbox link:

EXP3-36 Textures

Wednesday 3 June 2015

EXP3- Sketchup model (PLAN AND SECTION)

Cross perspectives:

draft model:

MASHUP idea: evidence-based design
                                  the celebration of human scale
                                        ornament and function go together

PLAN USED IN MODEL (rotated 90degree for section):

EXP3-18 one perspective +6 two points perspective

Regard individuality and creativity

Allow for extension

Ensure the human scale

Take care of light and ventilation
Evidence based design

Ornament and function go together

A sense of harmony
Connect with its surrounding

An expression of supernatural dimension
Propose with geometrical logic

The use of human content

An awareness of sustainability 
Adapt to the urban environment

Secure duration and permanence 
Seek a close relarionship with the client

Enable a new landscape 
Good transition between the private and public area

Addition to the skyline

Stand as an iconic landscape
In form of simplicity and clarity 

Promote human life and wellbeing
Design for the furture 

Embrace the natural context
Work with natural ecosystems

EXP3-Mashup (Redone)

Evidence-based design permits an architect to evaluate a design, and variations of that design, to design things that have the quality of life, that possess wholeness. We know the result is going to be more adaptive since we check each intermediate stage of an evolving design. In practical terms, A design can adapts through focusing the human scale and making Ornament and function go together. Clearly, Even if you’re working on a master plan for a part of the city, you’re probably not going to think well at that large scale if you’re not also sensitized to the human impact at the person-sized scale. Also, there is no structure in nature that can be classified as pure ornament without function. But a “simple” function without complexity does not give a good solution. Some standard building typologies copied over and over, but are never tested for evidence of their adaptation.  Those untested environments may in fact be stressful or otherwise harmful to their users. Any influence the object or place has on the user is part of its function. But any ornament will certainly also impact the user, so the actual experience cannot separate any particular aspect as pure function. It is clear that a progression in scale is mirrored by a progression in time. To achieve the highest possible environmental performance for the building, Architect should provides the building’s context “celebrated scale”.

Unified Architectural Theory: Chapter 9B


Unified Architectural Theory, Chapter 12

How heatherwick studio provides small scale encounters in a large scale world